A pair of silver-gilt monted chantilly porcelain pots and covers
Ref. AOMT8661A pair of silver-gilt-monted chantilly porcelain pot decorated with flowery branches and insects.
Price :

< 5000€
> 20000€
Objets montés
A pair of silver-gilt monted chantilly porcelain pots and covers
A pair of silver-gilt-monted chantilly porcelain pot decorated with flowery branches and insects.
A pair of regence silver-mounted japanese imari porcelain pots and covers
A pair of regence silver-mounted japanese imari porcelain pots and covers painted in underglaze blue, iron-red and gilt with branches of prunus and baskets, the pots mounted with silver rims chased with flowerheads and foliate strapwork, confirming domed finial.
A regence silver mounted japanese imari porcelain pot and cover
A regence silver mounted japanese imari porcelain painted in underglaze blue, green, iron red and gild with flowery branches, the silver rimchased with running foliage against a matter ground.