Au Vieux Paris


A shaped oval silver sauceboat

Ref. ASVC7111
A shaped oval silver sauceboat, the scroll rim with foliate chased decoration, scroll and rocaille to the pourer, bomb? body to the lower half, on a collet foot, with a high upscroll handle formed by entwined dolphin, flowerheads at the terminal, engraved coat-of-arms and coronet.
Price : Vendu

  •  < 5000€
  •  5000-10000€
  •  10000-20000€
  •  > 20000€


An oval silver-plated tureen

An oval silver-plated tureen

A oval silver-plated tureen with handle decorated with vine's leafs, the cover with a grenada-shape finial.
A silver coffee pot

A silver coffee pot "coquemar"

A silver coffee pot "coquemar" engraved with armorials on the body.
A oval silver-plated

A oval silver-plated "verrière"

A oval silver-plated "verrière"
A silver saucepan

A silver saucepan

A 19th century French silver saucepan plain round with slightly tapered sides, wire rim, pourer, baluster shaped turned wooden handle.

A silver-plated ewer

A silver-plated ewer

A silver-plated ewer, with a scrolled handle and engraved with coat of arms.

A shaped oval silver sauceboat

A shaped oval silver sauceboat

A shaped oval silver sauceboat, the scroll rim with foliate chased decoration, scroll and rocaille to the pourer, bomb? body to the lower half, on a collet foot, with a high upscroll handle formed by entwined dolphin, flowerheads at the terminal, engraved coat-of-arms and coronet.

A pair of silver salt cellars

A pair of silver salt cellars

A pair of silver salt cellars, the bottom decorated with shells, engraved with a coat-of arms.

A French silver and ebony tea set

A French silver and ebony tea set

A French silver and ebony tea set with four pieces.


  •  < 5000€
  •  5000-10000€
  •  10000-20000€
  •  > 20000€

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